Customer Letters

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Customer Letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

I enclose the final payment for my UPVC conservatory

I should like to take this opportunity of saying how impressed I and all my family have been with the standard of work and professionalism of all your employees. (NAME) and (NAME) gave very valuable help and advice in the preliminary stages, and the workmen involved in the demolition of the old building and the construction of the new were unfailingly cheerful, considerate and hard working. I was constantly amazed, on returning from work in the evenings, to find how much had been achieved during each day. I unfortunately did not find out their names, but I must make special mention of the skill, high standard and speed of working, and pleasant personalities of the two gentlemen who installed the main conservatory and canopy extension, and of the tiler.

We are delighted with the finished conservatory, and will certainly recommend you to our friends and acquaintances. Thank you very much indeed for an excellent job.

Yours faithfully,


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