Dog Crate 620 - Aluminium Frame, Angled Sides

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Dog Crate 620 - Aluminium Frame, Angled Sides
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The pictures show the standard dog crate.


This great value dog crate is approximately 2'2"x3'0" (0.65x0.91m) with silver aluminium framing and black wooden base and roof. Strong but light aluminium bars make it easy to remove from the boot of your car. Standard features include a single hinged front door with sliding bolt lock. The bar spacing gives your pet a large field of vision and ensures good ventilation, which helps reduce stress. The black wooden boarded sides and floor allow for easier cleaning and is also comfortable for your pet. Other features include angled front and rear for efficient fitting into car boots and a covered roof to help keep your pet shaded and protected from strong sunlight. All fixings and instructions are included for DIY self assembly.

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  • Suitable for smaller breed dogs
  • Strong aluminium frame
  • 8mm coated MDF side and base boards
  • Ergonomically designed front and rear help to provide a better fit in most car boots
  • Sturdy plastic end caps to minimise damage
  • Single hinged front door
  • Easy open pre-fitted door lock
  • Pre-fabricated panels simplify the assembly
  • Overall width approximately 2'2" (650mm)
  • Overall depth approximately 3'0" (910mm)
  • Overall height approximately 2'3" (690mm)
  • Overall weight approximately 15kg
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