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Cedar shingles

Traditional cedar shingles

Cedar shingles

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Attractive and durable, cedar shingles make the ideal roof for high specification log cabins. These genuine cedar roof shingles are traditionally made from Western Red Cedar. The individual cedar shingles are laid over a felted solid pine inner roof. Each individual cedar tile is a known as a shingle. Cedar shingles have long been a popular roofing material for domestic and public buildings in large parts of North America where cedar shingles have a reputation for warmth and longevity.

Cedar has an unrivalled reputation for durability and cedar shingles often last for many decades. We use only the highest grade of shingles which are 100% heartwood, 100% free from defects and 100% edge grain. Heartwood edge grain is the densest possible cut which ensures maximum durability. All fixings are covered by the next row of felt tiles, partly to ensure a neat appearance with concealed fixings but mainly to protect the fixing holes from any possible moisture.

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