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Portable indoor gas heaters

Portable indoor gas heater, 3.8kW

Portable indoor gas heaters

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£209.00 each

This stylish portable indoor heater has a generous 3.8kW maximum output with adjustable heat settings. The space saving design makes it ideal for use in garden buildings such as summerhouses, log cabins, garden offices and workshops, with no need for an electricity supply or trailing leads. The gas bottle is stored within the unit and castor wheels are included for added portability. A tempered glass front allows the stylish blue flame to be seen. The gas shuts off automatically if the flame goes out or if high levels of CO2 are detected. Ventilation is required when in use. The heat output should be sufficient for all but the largest of garden buildings or the coldest of days, allowing you to work or play in comfort. A regulator with hose is included as standard. The overall size is approximately 1'4" wide x 1'2" deep x 2'4" high (400x350x700mm).

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