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Recycled plastic bases

Plastic base kit

Recycled plastic bases

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Our unique plastic bases are a convenient and affordable alternative to concrete or paving slabs. Easy to install within a few minutes, the interlocking plastic pavers simply click together with no fixings needed. These lightweight and fully relocatable pavers are designed to spread weight with 12 separate locking points per paver to ensure maximum rigidity. The interlocking design combines the weight of the contents and the weight of the shed to enhance the overall stability and solidity of the structure. The solid surface of the pavers functions effectively as a finished floor.

The pavers can be laid directly on any firm, solid base, such as concrete, paving or decking. The finished base is a few inches larger than the shed. No part of the shed is in direct contact with the ground and valuable items such as lawnmowers and steel tools are stored off the ground. This prolongs the life of your shed and the contents. Our optional fixing packs include suitable screws to fix the foundation rails of your shed firmly into the base. If your pavers are laid on concrete or paving we also recommend our optional hammer fixings.

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